Life & The City

EP07: Paralysed by poor planning | Life & the City

Published on 9 Sep 2024 7:29:58 PM

In the seventh episode of Life & The City podcast, the hosts delve into the accessibility of public facilities in Malaysia for people with disabilities (PwD). They explore the physical and emotional challenges faced by PwD, and the often-overlooked barriers they encounter in their daily lives.

Joining the discussion is Hemavathy Muniandy, a Selangor paralympic games athlete, who shares her personal experiences and insights. Together, the hosts and guest discuss the importance of inclusive design and the need for a more compassionate and understanding public.

The episode concludes with a call to action, urging listeners to consider the impact of their actions on PwD and to take steps to promote greater accessibility and inclusivity in Malaysian society. The Life & The City podcast series, which airs fortnightly, addresses current and social issues impacting urbanites.

It is available on and on The Star's YouTube channel (@thestaronline).