Federal court rules unilateral conversion of Indira Gandhi's three children null and void
Published on 29 Jan 2018 3:04:56 PM
In a landmark decision on Monday, the Federal Court granted an appeal by kindergarten teacher M. Indira Gandhi to nullify the conversion of her three children to Islam by her ex-husband, Muhammad Riduan Abdullah. The court also ruled the Registrar of Muallafs had acted beyond the “limits of power” in registering the children as Muslims when conditions for their conversion were not fully met.
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2018/01/29/federal-court-unilateral-conversion-of-indira-gandhis-3-children-is-null-and-void/
In a landmark decision on Monday, the Federal Court granted an appeal by kindergarten teacher M. Indira Gandhi to nullify the conversion of her three children to Islam by her ex-husband, Muhammad Riduan Abdullah. The court also ruled the Registrar of Muallafs had acted beyond the “limits of power” in registering the children as Muslims when conditions for their conversion were not fully met.
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2018/01/29/federal-court-unilateral-conversion-of-indira-gandhis-3-children-is-null-and-void/