Letter served to AG in reopening Beng Hock death case
Published on 16 Jul 2018 3:24:04 PM
Teoh Beng Hock’s family lawyer Ram Karpal Singh on Sunday said they have submitted a letter to Attorney-General Tommy Thomas to look into reopening the Beng Hock’s case and expect a meeting to be held in the next two weeks. He was met at a forum themed ‘Uphold Rule of Law’ held on the 9th Anniversary Memorial of the passing of Beng Hock on Sunday.
Teoh Beng Hock’s family lawyer Ram Karpal Singh on Sunday said they have submitted a letter to Attorney-General Tommy Thomas to look into reopening the Beng Hock’s case and expect a meeting to be held in the next two weeks. He was met at a forum themed ‘Uphold Rule of Law’ held on the 9th Anniversary Memorial of the passing of Beng Hock on Sunday.